
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

Yesterday I struggled with joy despite my circumstances.  Not that my circumstances are that terrible, but sadness over not being able to have a baby creeps up on me out of nowhere.  I think I've got it under control and then.... boom!  It's on me like the weight of the world.

After cleaning my house, my attic, and part of my photo files I managed to feel a little more in control of my life.  I bought hydrangeas for the table and lit a lot of candles.  I painted.  My little corner of the world made sense again & I was happy to be there.

God spoke to me through my devotionals this morning.  I read two completely separate sources and they were both about time.  I love the above verses from Ecclesiastes.  And of course I can't help but to sing The Byrds' 'Turn, Turn, Turn' when I read it.  The secret to peace is accepting God's timing as perfect.  In Beth Moore's study of Paul she says, "When we continue to resist what God has for us, we may cripple our ability to understand how the pieces of our puzzle fit together.  We will constantly single out our experiences rather than understand them as parts of a whole."

There's an 80% chance of rain today and all I have to do is paint and go on one design appointment.  I LOVE the rain, I've got my head straight again, and I know it's going to be a great day.  I hope it is for you also!