
Lauren got her groove back.  I started painting again yesterday & I'm feeling a bit more motivated.  I've been wanting to put this collection together, but got a little hung up for whatever reason.  I finally finished and I think they turned out pretty cute.  I would definitely use these for a rustic outdoor dinner party.  Growing up on a farm we dined outside during the summer on a regular basis.  I can picture one of those evenings and these fit in perfectly..... several mason jars of zinnias on the table (my mom always grew zinnias in the vegetable garden),  citronella candles (the skeeters are bad here in Georgia!), mix-matched glasses (she has a thing for dishes & glasses... a ton of different sets), a nice spread of fresh vegetables.... all on an old picnic table under the pecan trees.  We'd eat late because my dad would be bailing hay until the sun went down..... the smell of fresh cut hay, the cicadas in full chorus, the stars twinkling away.... oh the memories!  

 (images via pinterest)