
A weekend of B's

Blossoms are all around here.  Looks like we're done with winter.... which I'm a little sad about, but I am enjoying the flowers.

I'm VERY excited about this lil' green fellow.  It's my beloved chinese snowball.  For two years I've been hugging it, watering it, whispering kind words into it's leaves, fertilizing it, and begging it to do something.  No blossoms.  Nothing.  You can imagine my delight when I discovered the plant is currently covered in potential buds!  

Butterflies.... this beauty has been hanging around ....

Birthday parties are one of those things that I hope to never grow out of.  GG always has something fun planned for her big day.  I'm talking limo party to a bowling/ dance party.  Good times.
Broken bone and torn ligaments was the verdict for Trent's foot.  He earned those injuries playing basketball Friday.  Not real sure what that means for our trip to Colorado next week.
Bottling beer didn't require too much standing.  My brother & Trent have a rather impressive home- brew operation underway. 

Babies... my mom has been helping with my niece & nephew while my dad worked on some projects for us.

Barn board painting wraps up my weekend....